Professional Tips & Techniques: Using Scientific Constants in Maple - Maple Application Center
Application Center Applications Professional Tips & Techniques: Using Scientific Constants in Maple

Professional Tips & Techniques: Using Scientific Constants in Maple

: Maplesoft AuthorMaplesoft
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Maple includes an extensive ScientificConstants package that provides access to the values of various constant physical quantities. Such values can be used to solve equations in fields such as chemistry and physics. The ScientificConstants package also provides the units for each of the constant values, allowing for greater understanding of the equation as well as units matching for error checking of the solution. The quantities available in the ScientificConstants package are divided into two distinct categories. 1. physical constants 2. properties of the chemical elements (and their isotopes) This document will highlight the uses of the ScientificConstants package in Maple, and provides some examples of its use.

Application Details

Publish Date: March 27, 2006
Created In: Maple 10
Language: English

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