All material submitted to the Application Center should include a general overview or introduction. For example, a Maple document should have an introduction section, and a MapleSim model should have either an introduction in the model workspace, or an attached Maple document with an introduction.
When developing Maple documents for the Application Center, it is important to present the material in a consistent format. The aim of the Maple document template is to help maintain consistency. Please use the built-in styles such as Title, Author, Text and Headings. You can use Maple's style drop-down box to choose between different styles.
You can suppress Maple outputs (using ":") where they do not add significantly to the understanding of the solution or are more than a few lines long. Use plots and numerical examples wherever possible to clarify the problem and make the solution easier to understand. Use natural 2-D math notation whenever possible to help the reader grasp the concepts in your document.
If you are creating an Application Center submission that uses some Add-on products (such as the Global Optimization Toolbox), be sure to mention this in your application description.
Please note: Maplesoft requires that a License Agreement must be read and accepted by the author before Solutions/Applications will be posted on the Maple Application Center.
Please download this example application to see an example of how to lay out a Maple document in a simple, easy to read manner.