Calculation Management Done Right

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Stories from Industry
Calculation Management Done Right


In the marketplace of technical products, growing competition has required faster design cycles and iterations in almost every sector. Companies take great steps to invest in their most important assets - namely, the products they deliver. These products are comprised of various designs, techniques, and intellectual property, all of which are managed across an organization with careful thought and attention.

There’s a fundamental process behind these company assets that is often overlooked, and its lack is re sponsible for aches and pains that most engineers face on a regular basis. What’s often missing is calculation management, a process that treats your calculations like the vital, valuable company asset they are.

Here at Maplesoft, we’ve heard first-hand how companies benefit when they take a more structured approach to calculation management. In this whitepaper, learn the stories of companies that used Maple to take a more robust approach to calculation management.

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