Creating and Displaying Maplet Applications in Command-Line Maple
You can use the Command-Line version of Maple to create and display Maplet applications.
To use Maplet applications in the Command-Line version, enter the Maplet application code at the Maple prompt as you would for Maple code.
Alternatively, using a text editor, enter a Maplet application definition into a text file. Save the text file with a .mpl extension.
Depending on your operating system, you can run the .mpl file by:
* Double-clicking it from your file browser or
* Entering maple and the filename as an argument at the command line.
The Maple code is executed in Command-Line Maple. If a Maplet application is defined with the Maplet[Display] command specified, it is displayed.
Copy the following Maplet application code into your Command-Line session. Press ENTER.
maplet := Maplet([ "Click a Button:", [Button("OK", Shutdown("true")), Button("Cancel", Shutdown())] ]):
result := Maplets[Display](maplet);
Save the following example as a .mpl file. From your file browser, double-click the .mpl file you created.
use Maplets in use Elements in maplet := Maplet( Window( 'title' = "Hilbert Matrix", [ ["Dimension: ", TextField['TB1']( "10" )], ["Target format: ", DropDownBox['DDB1']( ["MATLAB", "MatrixMarket", "delimited"] )], ["File name:", TextField['TB2']( "hilmat" )], [ Button( "OK", Shutdown(['TB1', 'DDB1', 'TB2']) ), Button( "Cancel", Shutdown() ) ] ] ) ); end use; result := Display( maplet ); end use: if result <> [] and result[3] <> "" then try n := parse( result[1] ); catch: end try; if type( n, 'integer' ) then ExportMatrix( result[3], LinearAlgebra:-HilbertMatrix( n, outputoptions=[ 'datatype'=float[8]] ), 'target' = convert( result[2], 'symbol' ) ); end if; end if:
See Also
Overview of Maplet Applications
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