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Maple Software
MapleTM software is a powerful system that you can use to solve mathematical problems from simple to complex. You can also create professional quality documents, presentations, and custom interactive computational tools in the Maple environment.
You can access the power of the Maple computational engine through a variety of interfaces.
Standard (default)
A full-featured graphical user interface that helps you create electronic documents to show all your calculations, assumptions, and any margin of error in your results. You can also hide the computations to allow your reader to focus on the problem setup and final results. The advanced formatting features lets you create the customized document you need. Because the documents are live, you can edit the parameters and, with the click of a button, compute the new results. The Standard interface has two modes: Document mode and Worksheet mode.
Command-line version
A command-line interface for solving very large complex problems or batch processing with scripts. No graphical user interface features are available.
MapletTM Applications
Graphical user interfaces containing windows, textbox regions, and other visual interfaces, which gives you point-and-click access to the power of Maple. You can perform calculations and plot functions without using the worksheet.
This manual describes how to use the Standard interface. As mentioned, the Standard interface offers two modes: Document mode and Worksheet mode. Using either mode, you can create high quality interactive mathematical documents. Each mode offers the same features and functionality, the only difference is the default input region of each mode.
Shortcut Keys by Platform
This manual will frequently refer to shortcut keys and command completion when entering expressions. The keyboard keys used to invoke these features differ based on your operating system.
The keystrokes given in this document are for Windows. There will be differences for other platforms. If you are using a different platform, see Shortcut Keys.
Command Completion
Esc, Macintosh, Windows, and Linux
Ctrl + Space, Windows
Ctrl + Shift + Space, Linux
Begin entering a command in a Maple document. Press the Esc key. Alternatively, use the platform-specific keys. For Windows, press and hold the Ctrl key and then press the Space bar.
For more information on Command Completion, see Command Completion.
In This Manual
This manual provides an introduction to the following Maple features:
Ease-of-use when entering and solving problems
Point-and-click interaction with various interfaces to help you solve problems quickly
Maple commands and standard math notation
Clickable MathTM
The help system
Online resources
Performing computations
Creating plots and animations
The Maple programming language
Using and creating custom Maplet applications
File input and output, and using Maple with third party products
Data structures
For a complete list of manuals, study guides, toolboxes, and other resources, visit the Maplesoft website at
The information in this manual is intended for first-time Maple users and users looking for a little more information.
This manual uses the following typographical conventions.
bold font - Maple command, package name, option name, dialog, menu, or text field
italics - new or important concept
Note - additional information relevant to the section
Important - information that must be read and followed
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