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Example: Priority Queues



A useful data structure that can be implemented in an object-oriented way with modules is the priority queue. A priority queue is a container data structure that admits the following operations:


Test for an empty priority queue


Insert a prioritized item into a priority queue


Return (non-destructively) the highest-priority item in the priority queue


Delete the highest priority item from a priority queue



The following table lists the methods of an object representation of priority queues.

Table 1: Priority Queue Methods


Test for an empty priority queue


Return the highest priority item


Insert a prioritized item


Remove (and return) the highest priority item


This representation leads directly to the following Maple type, which can be used to identify priority queues.

`type/PriorityQueue` := '`module`( empty, top, insert,
                                   delete )':

Constructor Implementation


Priority queues can be implemented as Maple objects by writing a constructor for the objects.

PriorityQueue := proc( priority::procedure )
    description "priority queue constructor";
    local largs, lnargs;

    lnargs := nargs;
    if lnargs > 1 then
        largs := [ args[ 2 .. -1 ] ];
        largs := [];
    end if;

        description "a priority queue";
        export empty, top, insert,
               size, delete, init;
        local  heap, nitems,
               bubbleup, bubbledown;

        nitems := 0;
        heap := table();

        bubbleup := proc( child::posint )
            local parent;
            parent := iquo( child, 2 );
            if child > 1
              and priority( heap[ child ] ) > priority( heap[
              parent ] ) then
                heap[ parent ], heap[ child ] := heap[ child ],
                  heap[ parent ];
                procname( parent ); # recurse
            end if;
        end proc;

        bubbledown := proc( parent::posint )
            local child;
            child := 2 * parent;
            if child < nitems
              and priority( heap[ 1 + child ] ) > priority(
              heap[ child ] ) then
                child := 1 + child;
            end if;
            if child <= nitems
              and priority( heap[ parent ] ) < priority( heap[
              child ] ) then
                heap[ parent ], heap[ child ] := heap[ child ],
                  heap[ parent ];
                procname( child ); # recurse (new parent)
            end if;
        end proc;

        # Initialize the priority queue.
        init := proc()
            heap := table();
            nitems := 0;
        end proc;

        # Test whether the priority queue is empty.
        empty := () -> evalb( nitems < 1 );

        # Return the number of items on the priority queue.
        size := () -> nitems;

        # Query the highest priority item.
        top := proc()
            if empty() then
                error "priority queue is empty";
                heap[ 1 ];
            end if;
        end proc;

        # Delete the highest priority item from the
        # priority queue.
        delete := proc()
            local val;
            val := heap[ 1 ]; # val := top()
            # move bottom to the top
            heap[ 1 ] := heap[ nitems ];
            # allow expression to be collected
            heap[ nitems ] := evaln( heap[ nitems ] );
            # decrement the bottom of heap counter
            nitems := nitems - 1;
            # heapify the array
            bubbledown( 1 );
            # return the value
        end proc;

        # Insert an item into the priority queue.
        insert := proc( v )
            if nargs > 1 then
                op( map( procname, [ args ] ) );
                nitems := 1 + nitems;
                heap[ nitems ] := v;
                bubbleup( nitems );
            end if;
        end proc;

        # Insert any initially specified items.
        if lnargs > 1 then
            insert( op( largs ) );
        end if;
    end module;
end proc:


The constructor takes a Maple procedure priority as its argument. For each expression placed on the queue, this procedure returns a numeric measure of its priority. Items on the queue are maintained in a prioritized order so that the highest priority items are removed first.


In this sample computation with a priority queue, use the Maple built-in procedure length as the priority of an expression. Here, the randomly generated expressions are all polynomials.

pq := PriorityQueue( x -> length( x ) );

pqmodule...end module


for i from 1 to 10 do
    pq:-insert( randpoly( x ) );
end do:

while not pq:-empty() do
end do;












Priority Queue Usage


Priority queues can be used to implement a heapsort algorithm.

HeapSort := proc( L::list(numeric) )
    local pq, t, count;
    pq := PriorityQueue( x -> -x, op( L ) );
    t := array( 1 .. nops( L ) );
    count := 0;
    while not pq:-empty() do
        count := 1 + count;
        t[ count ] := pq:-delete();
    end do;
    ASSERT( count = nops( L ) );
    [ seq( t[ count ], count = 1 .. nops( L ) ) ];
end proc:

r := rand(100):

L := [ seq( r(), i = 1 .. 20 ) ]:

HeapSort( L );



Note: The fully commented source code for the PriorityQueue constructor is available in the samples/ProgrammingGuide/PriorityQueue directory of the Maple installation.

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See Also
