Plot Color Names
Calling Sequence
plot(plotargs, color=cname)
plot(plotargs, colour=cname)
plot3d(plotargs, color=cname)
plot3d(plotargs, colour=cname)
arguments to the plot or plot3d command
string; color name
This page provides an alphabetical list of the color names that plot, plot3d, and other plotting commands accept. Additional colors from other color palettes are available through the ColorTools package. See the plot/color help page for more information.
The lowercase names below are the colors used in early versions of Maple, and they are retained for backward compatibility. In some cases (blue, white, yellow) they are the same as the capitalized string version, but in others (maroon, gold) they are quite different.
ColorTools:-DisplayPalette("MapleV", aliases);
1. aquamarine
2. black
3. blue
4. brown
5. coral
6. cyan
7. gold
8. gray (grey)
9. green
10. khaki
11. magenta
12. maroon
13. navy
14. orange
15. pink
16. plum
17. red
18. sienna
19. tan
20. turquoise
21. violet
22. wheat
23. white
24. yellow
The other recognized colors are the commonly used HTML color names. Plot commands expect them as capitalized strings.
ColorTools:-DisplayPalette("HTML", aliases);
1. AliceBlue
2. AntiqueWhite
3. Aquamarine
4. Azure
5. Beige
6. Bisque
7. Black
8. BlanchedAlmond
9. Blue
10. BlueViolet
11. Brown
12. Burlywood
13. CadetBlue
14. Chartreuse
15. Chocolate
16. Coral
17. CornflowerBlue
18. Cornsilk
19. Crimson
20. Cyan (Aqua)
21. DarkBlue
22. DarkCyan
23. DarkGoldenrod
24. DarkGray (DarkGrey)
25. DarkGreen
26. DarkKhaki
27. DarkMagenta (DarkFuchsia)
28. DarkOliveGreen
29. DarkOrange
30. DarkOrchid
31. DarkRed
32. DarkSalmon
33. DarkSeaGreen
34. DarkSlateBlue
35. DarkSlateGray (DarkSlateGrey)
36. DarkTurquoise
37. DarkViolet
38. DeepPink
39. DeepSkyBlue
40. DimGray (DimGrey)
41. DodgerBlue
42. Firebrick
43. FloralWhite
44. ForestGreen
45. Gainsboro
46. GhostWhite
47. Gold
48. Goldenrod
49. Gray (Grey)
50. Green
51. GreenYellow
52. Honeydew
53. HotPink
54. IndianRed
55. Indigo
56. Ivory
57. Khaki
58. Lavender
59. LavenderBlush
60. LawnGreen
61. LemonChiffon
62. LightBlue
63. LightCoral
64. LightCyan
65. LightGoldenrodYellow
66. LightGray (LightGrey)
67. LightGreen
68. LightPink
69. LightSalmon
70. LightSeaGreen
71. LightSkyBlue
72. LightSlateGray (LightSlateGrey)
73. LightSteelBlue
74. LightYellow
75. Lime
76. LimeGreen
77. Linen
78. Magenta (Fuchsia)
79. Maroon
80. MediumAquamarine
81. MediumBlue
82. MediumOrchid
83. MediumPurple
84. MediumSeaGreen
85. MediumSlateBlue
86. MediumSpringGreen
87. MediumTurquoise
88. MediumVioletRed
89. MidnightBlue
90. MintCream
91. MistyRose
92. Moccasin
93. NavajoWhite
94. Navy (NavyBlue)
95. OldLace
96. Olive
97. OliveDrab
98. Orange
99. OrangeRed
100. Orchid
101. PaleGoldenrod
102. PaleGreen
103. PaleTurquoise
104. PaleVioletRed
105. PapayaWhip
106. PeachPuff
107. Peru
108. Pink
109. Plum
110. PowderBlue
111. Purple
112. Red
113. RosyBrown
114. RoyalBlue
115. SaddleBrown
116. Salmon
117. SandyBrown
118. SeaGreen
119. Seashell
120. Sienna
121. Silver
122. SkyBlue
123. SlateBlue
124. SlateGray (SlateGrey)
125. Snow
126. SpringGreen
127. SteelBlue
128. Tan
129. Teal
130. Thistle
131. Tomato
132. Turquoise
133. Violet
134. Wheat
135. White
136. WhiteSmoke
137. Yellow
138. YellowGreen
Internally the plot routines convert these color names to RGB values. For example, YellowGreen is converted to COLOUR⁡RGB,0.60392157,0.80392157,0.19607843.
See Also
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