JetCalculus[VerticalHomotopy] - apply the vertical homotopy operator to a bi-form on a jet space
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VerticalHomotopy(ω, options)
ω - a differential bi-form on the jet space of a fiber bundle
options - various keyword arguments for specifying the integration path used by the vertical homotopy operator.
Let π:E→M be a fiber bundle and let π∞:J∞E → M be the associated infinite jet bundle. Let ω ∈Ωr,sJ∞E be a bi-form of degree r,son J∞E. Then ω is called dV closed if dV ω=0, where dVdenotes the vertical exterior derivative and ω is called dV exact if there exists a bi-form of degree r, s−1 such that ω = dV η. Every dV closed bi-form is dV exact in some neighborhood about each point in jet space. If dV ω=0,then there are numerous algorithms for finding a bi-form η such that ω = dV η. One approach is to use the vertical homotopy operators
hVr,s : Ωr,sJ∞E → Ωr,s−1J∞E.
These operators satisfy hvr, s+1 dV ω + dVhVr,s ω = ω so that if dV ω=0, then ω = dV η where η = hVr,s ω.
If ω is a bi-form of degree r, s with s≥1, then VerticalHomotopy(omega) returns a bi-form η of degree (r, s−1) such that ω = dVη.
The optional arguments available to DeRhamHomotopy can also be invoked with VerticalHomotopy.
The command VerticalHomotopy is part of the DifferentialGeometry:-JetCalculus package. It can be used in the form VerticalHomotopy(...) only after executing the commands with(DifferentialGeometry) and with(JetCalculus), but can always be used by executing DifferentialGeometry:-JetCalculus:-VerticalHomotopy(...).
Here are the explicit formulas for the vertical homotopy operators. Let (xi, uα, uiα, uijα, ..., uij ⋅⋅⋅ kα, ....) be a local system of jet coordinates and let Θi1i2⋅⋅⋅ikα = duα−ui1i2⋅⋅⋅ikℓα dxℓ be the contact forms. The vertical radial vector field on E is R = uα ∂ ∂uα and its prolongation to jet space is
pr R = uα ∂ ∂uα + uiα ∂ ∂uiα + uijα ∂ ∂uij α + ⋅⋅⋅⋅
The flow of the vector field pr R is the transformation Φt:J∞E→ J∞E given by Φtxi, uα, uiα, uijα, ...= xi, etuα, etuiα, etuijα, .... The vertical homotopy operators are then defined in terms of pr R and Φt and the interior product operator ι (see Hook) by
hVr,sω = ∫011t Φlogt* ιpr Rω dt .
As a concrete example, if ω ∈ Ω1,2J∞E is given by ω = Aℓ α β I J(xi, uα, uiα, uijα, ...) dxℓ∧ΘIα∧ΘJβ , then
hVr,sω = ∫01 t Aℓ α β I Jxi, tuα, tuiα, tuijα, ... dxℓ∧ΘIα∧ΘJβ ⅆt.
Thus the formulas for the vertical homotopy operators are essentially the same as that for the standard de Rham homotopy operators.
with(DifferentialGeometry): with(JetCalculus):
Example 1.
Create the jet space J3E for the bundle E =ℝ2×ℝ→ℝ with coordinates x,y,u→x,y.
DGsetup([x, y], [u], E, 1):
Show that the form ω1 is dV closed.
omega1 := evalDG(Cu[] &w Cu[1] &w Cu[2]);
Apply the vertical homotopy operator to ω1.
eta1a := VerticalHomotopy(omega1);
Check that the vertical exterior derivative of η1 gives ω1.
omega1 &minus VerticalExteriorDerivative(eta1a);
Alternatives to η1 can be obtained using the path = "zigzag" option for the VerticalHomotopy command. See DeRhamHomotopy for more details.
eta1b := VerticalHomotopy(omega1, path = "zigzag");
omega1 &minus VerticalExteriorDerivative(eta1b);
eta1c := VerticalHomotopy(omega1, path = "zigzag", variableorder = [u[1], u[2], u[], u[1, 1], u[1, 2], u[2, 2]]);
omega1 &minus VerticalExteriorDerivative(eta1c);
See Also
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