Details for EnergyMomentumTensor, MatterFieldEquations, DivergenceIdentities
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Here we give the precise formulas for the energy-momentum tensors, matter field equations and divergence identities, as computed by these commands. In the formulas below, the indices are raised and lowered using the metric g,and ∇ denotes the covariant derivative compatible with g.
1. "DiracWeyl". The fields are a solder form σ, a rank 1 covariant spinor ψ and the complex conjugate spinor ψ&conjugate0;. The energy-momentum tensor is the contravariant, symmetric rank 2 tensor:
Tij = i2σiAB'ψA ∇j ψ&conjugate0;B' − ψ&conjugate0;B'∇j ψA + σjAB'ψA ∇i ψ&conjugate0;B' − ψ&conjugate0;B'∇i ψA
and the matter field equations are the rank 1 contravariant spinors with components
EA = 1i σkAB' ∇kψ&conjugate0;B' and EB' = i σkAB' ∇kψA .
The divergence of the energy-momentum tensor is given in terms of the matter field equations by
∇j Tij = −2 ∇i ψA EA + S B ijAψA∇j EB + c.c.
Here S is the bivector solder form and c.c. denotes the complex conjugate of the previous terms.
2. "Dust". The fields are a four-vector u, with gu,u=±1, and a scalar μ (energy density). The energy-momentum tensor is the contravariant, symmetric rank 2 tensor Tij= μ uiuj,
and the matter field equations consist of the scalar and vector
E = ∇iμ ui and Vi=uj ∇jui .
The divergence of the energy momentum tensor is given in terms of the matter field equations by
∇jTij=Eui + μVi.
3. "Electromagnetic". The field is a 1-form A or a 2-form F = dA. The energy-momentum tensor is the contravariant, symmetric rank 2 tensor
T ij = FihF hj − 14 gijFhkFhk ,
and the matter field equations are given by
Ei=∇j Fij .
∇jTij = F ji Ej + Ai ∇j Ej .
4. "PerfectFluid". The fields are a four-vector u, with gu,u=±1,and scalars μ and p (energy density and pressure). The energy-momentum tensor is the contravariant, symmetric rank 2 tensor
Tij = μ+puiuj+pgij .
The matter field equations are defined by the divergence of the energy-momentum tensor:
Ei=∇j T ij .
5. "Scalar". The field is a scalar ϕ. The energy-momentum tensor is the contravariant, symmetric rank 2 tensor
T ij=∇iϕ∇jϕ − gij12∇kϕ∇kϕ +m2ϕ2
where m is a constant. The matter field equations are defined by the scalar
E=∇i ∇iϕ−m2ϕ.
∇jT ij=∇iϕ E.
6. "NMCScalar". The field is a scalar ϕ. The energy-momentum tensor is the contravariant, symmetric rank 2 tensor
Tij = 1−2 ξ∇iϕ∇jϕ+2 ξ−12∇kϕ∇kϕ gij−2 ξ∇i ∇jϕ+2 ξ∇k ∇kϕ gij+ξϕ2Gij−12m2ϕ2gij,
where Gij is the Einstein tensor and m and ξ are constants. The matter field equations are defined by the scalar
E=∇i ∇iϕ−ξR+m2ϕ,
where R is the Ricci scalar. The divergence of the energy momentum tensor is given in terms of the matter field equations by
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