SignalProcessing Improvements in Maple 2023
The SignalProcessing package has been expanded with new and updated commands.
with( SignalProcessing ):
FFT and InverseFFT
The new SignalProcessing:-Quantize command is used to replace real-valued data in a container with values from a codebook.
For example, suppose we want to quantize the values generated by sin⁡t over the interval 0,2⁢π so that the values are to the nearest quarter integer. With this new command, we can do either of the following:
X := GenerateSignal( sin(t), t = 0 .. 2 * Pi, 50 )^+;
Y := Quantize( X, -1 .. 1, 9 );
Z := Quantize( X, < seq( 0.25 * k, k = -4 .. 4 ) > );
The command can also display the original and quantized signals together:
Quantize( X, -1 .. 1, 9, 'output' = 'plot', 'emphasizecodes' );
The example above uses the default nearest for the option truncation, but below and above are also available. Moreover, classical quantization techniques midriser and midtread are provided:
Quantize( X, 'midriser', 1, 9, 'output' = 'plot', 'emphasizecodes' );
The SignalProcessing:-GenerateSignal command has also been updated to include the quantization option:
GenerateSignal( sin(t), t = 0 .. 2 * Pi, 50, 'quantization' = [-1..1,9], 'output' = 'signalplot' );
The new SignalProcessing:-SavitzkyGolayFilter command applies the Savitzky-Golay Filter to a signal, with applications including smoothing noisy data and estimating derivatives of data. The filter is also known as Polynomial Smoothing, Least-Squares Smoothing, and Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing (LOWESS).
For example, consider the following:
f := sin(t) + 1/5 * cos(3*t); # original expression
t1 := 0; # start time
t2 := 2 * Pi; # finish time
m := 200; # number of points
(T,X) := GenerateSignal( f, t = t1 .. t2, m, 'noisedeviation' = 0.2, 'includefinishtime' = 'false', 'output' = ['times','signal'] );
The smoothing, both unweighted and weighted, noticeably reduces the noise:
d := 2; # degree of polynomial interpolants
r := 10; # radius of frame
W := < seq( 1 .. r + 1 ), seq( r .. 1, -1 ) >: # weights
SavitzkyGolayFilter( X, d, r, 'timerange' = t1 .. t2, 'plotoptions' = [ 'title' = "Unweighted Savitzky-Golay Filtered Signal" ], 'output' = 'plot' );
SavitzkyGolayFilter( X, d, W, 'timerange' = t1 .. t2, 'plotoptions' = [ 'title' = "Weighted Savitzky-Golay Filtered Signal" ], 'output' = 'plot' );
The SignalProcessing:-DifferentiateData command now includes an option to estimate the derivative of a signal using the Savitzky-Golay Filter;
(dt,T,U) := GenerateSignal( t * (t^2-1)^3, t = -1 .. 1, 75, 'includefinishtime' = 'false', 'output' = ['timestep','times','signal'] );
V := DifferentiateData( U, 1, 'step' = dt, 'method' = 'savitzkygolay', 'extrapolation' = 'periodic', 'frameradius' = 2 );
dataplot( T, [U,V], 'style' = 'line', 'legend' = ["Signal","First derivative"], 'color' = ['red','blue'], 'view' = [-1..1,'DEFAULT'] );
The SignalProcessing:-Convolution command has been updated to include shape options full (the default), same, and valid. For example:
A := LinearAlgebra:-RandomVector( 5, 'generator' = -1.0 .. 1.0, 'datatype' = 'float[8]' );
B := LinearAlgebra:-RandomVector( 3, 'generator' = -1.0 .. 1.0, 'datatype' = 'float[8]' );
C1 := Convolution( A, B, 'shape' = 'full' );
C2 := Convolution( A, B, 'shape' = 'same' );
C3 := Convolution( A, B, 'shape' = 'valid' );
Moreover, lists can now be passed for signals in addition to rtables.
The SignalProcessing:-FFT and SignalProcessing:-InverseFFT commands now support padding and truncation. Padding is helpful due to the increase in both the speed of computation and the frequency resolution. The size option accepts a positive integer for the new size and keywords same (the default, for not changing the length) and recommended (for changing the length to the next power of 2). For example:
X := LinearAlgebra:-RandomVector( 3, 'generator' = -1.0 .. 1.0, 'datatype' = 'complex[8]' );
Y1 := FFT( X, 'size' = 'same' );
Y2 := FFT( X, 'size' = 'recommended' );
Y3 := FFT( X, 'size' = 5 );
The size option also works with multi-dimensional input. Moreover, lists can now be passed for signals in addition to rtables.
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