Dynamic Systems Overview - Maple Help
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Overview of the DynamicSystems Package


Calling Sequence



System Object Creation

System Conversion

Signal Generation

System Analysis

System Manipulation


Simulation Tools


Calling Sequence





The DynamicSystems package is a collection of procedures for creating, manipulating, simulating, and plotting linear systems models.


Continuous and discrete system objects may be created and defined in several ways, including differential equations, transfer functions, state-space matrices, and zero-pole-gain representations, and may be transformed from one form to another.


Input signals such as sine and step waveforms can be created by using the signal generation commands. These can be used to simulate a model using DynamicSystems simulation tools.


Standard plotting tools, such as Bode and root-locus plots, are available and can be used to plot both continuous and discrete system objects.


The system manipulation tools provide a mechanism for the advanced analysis of systems, including stability, observability, controllability, and sensitivity.


System objects may be simulated by using the simulation tools to obtain frequency, impulse, and transient response.


The Digits environment variable can be increased to accommodate systems which require greater numerical precision. See Digits for more details on how to change the number of number of digits that Maple uses when handling software floating-point numbers.


You can apply many of the commands from the DynamicSystems package in a clickable math way through context-sensitive options available in the Context Panel. For details, see Using the Context Panel with DynamicSystems.


Note: The symbols used for the continuous time variable, complex frequency variable, discrete frequency variable, discrete time variable, input variable, output variable, and state variable must be unassigned or changed before using the DynamicSystems package. See SystemOptions for more details.


Bode plot

Nichols Plot

Nyquist plot

Plot discrete points

Plot impulse response

Plot magnitude

Plot phase

Plot response

Plot response in 3-D

Plot zeros and poles

Root-contour plot

Root-locus plot


DynamicSystems:-BodePlot : plot magnitude and phase versus frequency


DynamicSystems:-DiscretePlot : plot a vector of discrete points


DynamicSystems:-ImpulseResponsePlot : plot the impulse response of a system


DynamicSystems:-MagnitudePlot : plot log magnitude versus frequency


DynamicSystems:-NicholsPlot :  plot log magnitude versus phase


DynamicSystems:-NyquistPlot :  plot frequency response in complex plane


DynamicSystems:-PhasePlot : plot phase versus frequency


DynamicSystems:-ResponsePlot : plot response of a system to a given input


DynamicSystems:-RootContourPlot : generate a root-contour plot


DynamicSystems:-RootLocusPlot : generate a root-locus plot


DynamicSystems:-ZeroPolePlot : plot zeros and poles of a linear system

System Object Creation


DynamicSystems:-AlgEquation : create an algebraic equation system object


DynamicSystems:-Coefficients : create a coefficients system object


DynamicSystems:-DiffEquation : create a differential or difference equation system object


DynamicSystems:-IsSystem : verify the content of a system object


DynamicSystems:-FrequencyResponseSystem : create a frequency-response system object


DynamicSystems:-NewSystem : create a system object


DynamicSystems:-PrintSystem : print the content of a system object


DynamicSystems:-StateSpace : create a state-space system object


DynamicSystems:-SystemOptions : query and change system object options


DynamicSystems:-TransferFunction : create a transfer function system object


DynamicSystems:-Verify : verify the content of a system object


DynamicSystems:-ZeroPoleGain : create a zero-pole-gain system object

System Conversion


DynamicSystems:-SSModelReduction : reduce a state-space system


DynamicSystems:-Resample : resample discrete-time system object


DynamicSystems:-ToDiscrete : discretize a system object


DynamicSystems:-ToContinuous : discrete-time to continuous-time system object conversion

Signal Generation


DynamicSystems:-Chirp :  generate a chirp waveform


DynamicSystems:-Ramp :  generate a ramp waveform


DynamicSystems:-Sinc :  generate a sinc pulse


DynamicSystems:-Sine :  generate a sinusoidal waveform


DynamicSystems:-Square :  generate a periodic square-wave


DynamicSystems:-Step : generate a step waveform


DynamicSystems:-Triangle : generate a periodic triangular waveform

System Analysis


DynamicSystems:-CharacteristicPolynomial : compute the characteristic polynomial of a state-space system


DynamicSystems:-ControllabilityMatrix : compute the controllability matrix


DynamicSystems:-Controllable : determine controllability of a state-space system


DynamicSystems:-Covariance : compute output and state covariance matrices of system driven by white noise


DynamicSystems:-GainMargin : compute the gain-margin and phase-crossover frequency


DynamicSystems:-Grammians : compute the controllability and observability grammians


DynamicSystems:-NormH2 : compute the H2 norm of a system


DynamicSystems:-NormHinf : compute the H norm of a system


DynamicSystems:-ObservabilityMatrix : compute the observability matrix


DynamicSystems:-Observable : determine observability of a state-space system


DynamicSystems:-PhaseMargin : return the phase-margin and gain-crossover frequency


DynamicSystems:-RouthTable : generate the Routh table (stability) of a polynomial


DynamicSystems:-SSTransformation : perform similarity transformations on state-space matrices


DynamicSystems:-StepProperties : compute the properties of a step response

System Manipulation


DynamicSystems:-AppendConnect : append systems together


DynamicSystems:-FeedbackConnect : connect one or two systems in feedback


DynamicSystems:-ParallelConnect : connect systems in parallel


DynamicSystems:-ScaleInputs : scale inputs by constant coefficients


DynamicSystems:-ScaleOutputs : scale outputs by constant coefficients


DynamicSystems:-SeriesConnect : connect systems in series


DynamicSystems:-SSModelReduction : reduce a state-space system


DynamicSystems:-Subsystem : extract a subsystem from a system


DynamicSystems:-SystemConnect : connect systems



DynamicSystems:-EquilibriumPoint : find the local equilibrium point of a system satisfying constraints


DynamicSystems:-Linearize : construct a linear model of a system at a point

Simulation Tools


DynamicSystems:-FrequencyResponse :  compute the frequency response of a system


DynamicSystems:-ImpulseResponse : compute the impulse response of a system


DynamicSystems:-Simulate : compute time-response of a system to an input



Using the Context Panel with DynamicSystems : details about the DynamicSystems context-sensitive menu


Description of the Model of a Linear System Object : details about linear system objects


DynamicSystems:-System : type check for a DynamicSystems object


Amplifier Gain

Frequency Domain System Identification

Harmonic Oscillator

See Also
