Use of Canvas Elements in Maple Library Commands
In this page we will highlight a few of the commands that generate a Canvas suitable for use in both Maple and Maple Learn.
Next Steps
The SolvePractice command generates a canvas with SolveFeedback as the command behind the button.
The canvas structure can be extracted directly by using the 'output'='canvas' option.
The PracticeSheet command allows for automatic pattern-based generation of many problems on a single sheet.
Maple has many algorithms for showing step-by-step methods explaining how to simplify, solve, integrate, etc. These solution steps can be generated as a canvas.
Create Your Own Steps Output
All of the Steps routines generate a series of records with math and annotations, and possibly one level of sub-steps. These are processed by the OutputStepsRecord command. Here is an example of a record with math, annotations, and substeps:
The OutputStepsRecord command allows for different 'displaystyle' options.
This example generates a link to Maple Learn with animated steps:
The Quiz command lets you create a variety of question types with options for custom grading procedures, feedback, and try-another generation. Here are some samples:
True or False
Multiple Choice and Multiple Select
Free-Form Entry Box
See the BinomialQuiz example for a more in-depth sample with feedback and algorithmic variables.
Inspect and Annotate Math on a Canvas
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