Working with Metadata for eBookTools
eBook Metadata Palette
Rules for Entering Metadata Tags
Index with Plain Text Entries
Index with Formatted Entries
Metadata tags are used to add index entries; name and specify properties of figures and tables; and create hyperlinks to bookmarks, figures, and tables within the book.
One way to add metadata tags is by using the eBook Metadata palette. If this palette is not visible in the palettes pane, from the View menu, select Palettes > Show Palette > eBook Metadata.
The palette entries in this palette are templates containing placeholders. After inserting one of these palette entries into a worksheet, replace the placeholders with the appropriate content. (This works similarly to the Expression Palette.)
Only the following two colors can be used: color 1and color 2.
Attributes must be plain text. No formatting, 2-D math, images, hyperlinks, or embedded components can be used.
As with XML, metadata tags must be properly nested and closed.
To create a bookmark, use one of the following methods:
Add a bookmark to a section heading or paragraph using Format > Bookmarks menu.
Insert Bookmark entry from eBook Metadata palette.
Enter <MBookmark ID="id of bookmark"/>.
Default value
Value referred to when specifying a hyperlink. For example, enteringexpressions.
Used as text of hyperlink
Type of bookmark. To add a bookmark to a table set Type to Table.
To create a hyperlink, use one of the following methods:
Insert hyperlink using Insert > Hyperlink menu:
Set Type to Help Topic
Set Target to <hyperlink type>:<chapter name>, where <hyperlink type> is one of:
Book - generic hyperlink
FigureRef - hyperlink to a figure
TableRef - hyperlink to a table
Set Bookmark to the desired bookmark ID.
Note: The hyperlink text will be the bookmark label. (The text entered in Link Text field does not appear in the output book.) In PDF output, the hyperlink text will be the bookmark label and the page number. Figures and Tables are referenced by number (for example, Table 1.2), and no page number is displayed.
Insert Hyperlink entry from eBook Metadata palette.
Enter <MHyperlink Type="type" Filename="chapter name" Target="bookmark"/>.
Possible values are: internal - link to a bookmark within the current worksheet, external - link to a bookmark within another worksheet in the book, or URL - link to external resource.
Yes, for external type
Name of the chapter
Name of bookmark or URL
You can specify index entries with a depth of one, two, or three levels.
To create a plain text index entry, use one of the following methods:
Insert Index entry from eBook Metadata palette.
Enter <MIndex Label="label" Sort="sort string"/>.
Index entry, with at most three levels separated by commas
value of Label
String to be used instead of Label for sorting of index entries
To create an index entry with different font or 2-D math, use one of the following methods:
Insert Formatted Index entry from eBook Metadata palette. Depending on the number of levels in the index entry, you may not need all the nested levels provided in the template.
Enter <MFormattedIndex><MIndexLevel1 Sort="sort string">index string</MIndexLevel1></MFormattedIndex>.
plain text version of the entry
String to be used for sorting of index entries
"Plotting, x2": <MFormattedIndex><MIndexLevel1>Plotting</MIndexLevel1><MIndexLevel1 Sort="x^2">x2</MIndexLevel1></MFormattedIndex>
Figures can be formal or informal. Formal figures are numbered. In addition, formal figures appear in the List of Figures in the Table of Contents.
To create a figure, use one of the following methods:
Insert Figure entry from eBook Metadata palette.
Enter <MFigure Bookmark="bookmark" Formal="true"><MFigureTitle>title of the figure</MFigureTitle>2-D math, plot, image, or embedded component</MFigure>.
Bookmark of the figure. It must be unique within the worksheet.
true or false. When true, a formal figure is created.
Plain text title, ignored if MFigureTitle is used
Alignment of the figure
Width of the figure
Tables can be formal or informal. Formal tables are numbered. In addition, formal tables appear in the List of Tables in the Table of Contents.
A table is considered formal if Show caption>Table 1: Title is set in table's properties and title is provided.
A header row is repeated if a table is split between two pages (in PDF or EPUB).
To mark a row of a table as a header row perform one of the following in any table cell within the row:
Insert Table Header entry from eBook Metadata palette.
Enter <MTableHeaders/>.
See Also
Authoring Guidelines for eBookTools
Expression Palette
Overview of Palettes
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