Using the Example Maplet Applications
This worksheet provides examples that demonstrate how each example Maplet application found in the Maplets[Examples] subpackage can be used within code.
This example provides a scenario in which the Alert Maplet application is useful.
if Maplets[Examples][Alert]( "Do you really want to delete the file?" ) = true then fremove( "whateverfile.mpl" ); end if;
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This Maplet application queries the user to determine if Cauchy principal value integration should be used. If the user cancels, no integration is performed.
cpv := Maplets[Examples][Confirm]( "Should Cauchy principal value integration be used?" ): if cpv = true then int( 1/x^3, x = -3..5, CauchyPrincipalValue ); elif cpv = false then int( 1/x^3, x = -3..5 ); else NULL; end if;
This procedure calls plot by using all the arguments specified. It also queries the user for the color of the plot by using the GetColor example Maplet application.
MyPlot := proc() plot( args, color = Maplets[Examples][GetColor]() ); end proc:
MyPlot( sin(x), x = 0..2*Pi );
This procedure calls solve with respect to x with the user input received from the GetEquation Maplet application.
MySolve := proc() solve( Maplets[Examples][GetEquation]( 'caption' = "Enter an equation in `x`:" ), x ); end proc:
This procedure calls diff with respect to x with the user input received from the GetExpression Maplet application.
MyDiffx := proc() diff( Maplets[Examples][GetExpression]( 'caption' = "Enter an expression in `x`:" ), x ); end proc:
This example, once uncommented, deletes the file the user selects.
# fremove( Maplets[Examples][GetFile]() );
This example requests an integer from the user. The user input is then returned to the Maple session.
parse( Maplets[Examples][GetInput]( "Enter an integer:", 'type' = plain ) );
This example of the Integration Maplet application prompts the user to select a type of integration, enter an integrand, variables of integration, limits of integration, and other options.
Maplets[Examples][Integration]( 1/x^3 );
This example Maplet application is an interface to the kernelopts routine.
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The LinearAlgebra subpackage of the Maplets[Examples] package provides an interface to a number of LinearAlgebra routines.
M := <<1,5>|<3,7>>;
V := <1,5,3>;
This example runs the following Maple routine and displays the result in a message box.
MySolve := proc() local solns; solns := solve( args ); if solns = NULL then if _SolutionsMayBeLost then Maplets[Examples][Message]( "No solutions, but some solutions may have been lost" ); else Maplets[Examples][Message]( "No solutions" ); end if; else Maplets[Examples][Message]( sprintf( "%q", solns ) ); end if; solns; end proc:
MySolve(x^3 - 6.3 * x);
In this example, if the sign of a variable cannot by determined, the user is queried about the variable's sign.
MySignum := proc(x) local sgnm; sgnm := signum( 0, x, 0 ); if type( sgnm, 'specfunc'('anything', 'signum') ) then if Maplets[Examples][Question]( sprintf( "Is %a positive?", x ) ) then 1; else sgnm; end if; else sgnm; end if; end proc:
assume( s1 > 0 );
MySignum( s1 );
MySignum( s2 );
The following procedure calls LinearAlgebra[QRDecomposition] with arguments. It also queries the user for the desired output form by using the Selection example Maplet application.
MyQRDecomposition := proc(M::Matrix) LinearAlgebra[QRDecomposition]( args, output = [seq( [Q, R, rank][i], i = [Maplets[Examples][Selection]( ["Q", "R", "rank"], default = 1 )] )] ); end proc:
MyQRDecomposition( <<1,2,5>|<5,3,6>|<2,5,3>> );
This procedure creates a conversion table by using the Units package and displays it by using the ShowTable example Maplet application. It uses the fact that convert/conversion_table with output = grid returns a MATRIX data structure (the first argument of which is a list of lists).
MyConversionTable := proc(L::list(name)) Maplets[Examples][ShowTable]( map2( map, convert, op(1, convert( L, conversion_table, output = columns, filter = evalf[5] )), string ), width = 500 ); end proc:
MyConversionTable( [kg, g, lb, stone] );
This integral checks all indeterminates to determine if they are positive. All indeterminates that are positive are assumed to be positive inside the integration by using the assuming command.
MyInt := proc(integrand::algebraic, var::{name, name = range}) local indts, i, positives, varT; if type( var, name ) then varT := var; else varT := lhs( var ); end if; indts := select( 'type', indets( integrand ), 'name' ) minus {varT}; positives := NULL; for i in indts do if Maplets[Examples][SignQuery]( i ) then positives := positives, i::positive; end if; end do; int( integrand, var ) assuming positives; end proc:
MyInt( exp(-n*x), x=0..infinity );
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