MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation and Licensing Guide

MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation and Licensing Guide
MapleSim Insight and Maple
MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation Using a Single User License
Activating Single User Versions
MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation Using a Network License
Silent (Unattended) Installation
Configure the License Manager
Getting Started with MapleSim Insight
System Requirements

MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation and Licensing Guide

MapleSim Insight and Maple

An API to control your MapleSim Insight simulations from within Maple is available. To use this feature you must have Maple 2024 installed before installing MapleSim Insight.

MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation Using a Single User License

32-bit Windows Single User Installation

For 32-bit Windows® 7, Windows® 8.1, or Windows® 10 single user installation, read this section. For 64-bit Windows® 7, Windows Server® 2016, Windows® 8.1, Windows® 10, or Windows Server® 2019 single user installation, see 64-bit Windows Single User Installation.

During the installation, you will need your purchase code, generally sent to you in an email.

To install MapleSim Insight 2024 on your Windows operating system, read and complete the following tasks.

Pre-Installation Instructions

  1. Check the System Requirements for your operating system.
  1. Log on as an administrator or log on to an account, with appropriate read and write privileges, that will own the MapleSim Insight files.
  1. Ensure that you are connected to the Internet. If your computer does not have an Internet connection, please contact your distributor or Maplesoft customer service.
  1. Close all programs.

Install MapleSim Insight 2024

  1. Ensure that you have reviewed the Pre-installation Instructions.
  1. Double-click MapleSimInsight2024.1WindowsX86Installer.exe from where you downloaded the file.
  1. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  1. If the installer detects that Maple 2024 is installed, a panel is displayed giving you the option to install the Maple toolbox for MapleSim Insight. If you opt to install it, the toolbox is installed in the toolbox/Insight subdirectory of your Maple installation.
  1. In the Choose The Type of Licensing screen, select Single User License.
  1. When prompted, enter the purchase code and the required information to complete activation.
  1. If you activated successfully, you are ready to use MapleSim Insight 2024. If you had problems activating or chose not to activate during the installation, see Activating Single User Versions.

Return to the top of the MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation and Licensing Guide.

64-bit Windows Single User Installation

Pre-Installation Instructions

  1. Check the System Requirements for your operating system.
  1. Log on as an administrator or log on to an account, with appropriate read and write privileges, that will own the MapleSim Insight files.
  1. Ensure that you are connected to the Internet. If your computer does not have an Internet connection, please contact your distributor or Maplesoft customer service.
  1. Close all programs.

Install MapleSim Insight 2024

  1. Ensure that you have reviewed the Pre-installation Instructions.
  1. Double-click MapleSimInsight2024.1WindowsX64Installer.exe from where you downloaded the file.
  1. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  1. If the installer detects that Maple 2024 is installed, a panel is displayed giving you the option to install the Maple toolbox for MapleSim Insight. If you opt to install it, the toolbox is installed in the toolbox/Insight subdirectory of your Maple installation.
  1. In the Choose The Type of Licensing screen, select Single User License.
  1. When prompted, enter the purchase code and the required information to complete activation.
  1. If you activated successfully, you are ready to use MapleSim Insight 2024. If you had problems activating or chose not to activate during the installation, see Activating Single User Versions.

Return to the top of the MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation and Licensing Guide.

64-bit Linux Single User Installation

During the installation, you will need your purchase code, generally sent to you in an email.

To install MapleSim Insight 2024 on your 64-bit Linux® operating system, read and complete the following tasks.

Pre-Installation Instructions

  1. Check the System Requirements for your operating system.
  1. Log on as an administrator or log on to an account, with appropriate read and write privileges, that will own the MapleSim Insight files.
  1. Ensure that you are connected to the Internet. If your computer does not have an Internet connection, please contact your distributor or Maplesoft customer service.
  1. Close all programs.

Install MapleSim Insight 2024

  1. Ensure that you have reviewed the Pre-installation Instructions.
  1. Run from where you downloaded the file.
  1. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  1. If the installer detects that Maple 2024 is installed, a panel is displayed giving you the option to install the Maple toolbox for MapleSim Insight. If you opt to install it, the toolbox is installed in the toolbox/Insight subdirectory of your Maple installation.
  1. In the Choose The Type of Licensing screen, select Single User License.
  1. When prompted, enter the purchase code and the required information to complete activation.
  1. If you activated successfully, you are ready to use MapleSim Insight 2024. If you had problems activating or chose not to activate during the installation, see Activating Single User Versions.

Activating Single User Versions

MapleSim Insight requires a license file to operate. License files for earlier versions will not work with MapleSim Insight 2024. You must activate the single user versions of MapleSim Insight 2024 to obtain your license file. If you are running a single user installer, you can activate during the installation process. If you do not activate during the installation process, follow the steps below.

Note: Activation requires an Internet connection. If your computer does not have an Internet connection, please contact your distributor or Maplesoft customer service.

  1. Do the following to launch the Maplesoft Activation window:
  1. Select Start > (All) Programs > MapleSim Insight 2024 > Tools.
  1. Right-click Activate MapleSim Insight 2024 and select Run as administrator.
  1. Enter your purchase code.
  1. If you are activating behind a proxy server, select Yes, and then enter the proxy server information.
  1. Click Next.
  1. You will be prompted to enter additional information. Click Next when this is complete.

A license (.dat) file will be saved in the license folder of your MapleSim Insight 2024 installation. If you experience difficulties with activation, check our FAQs page at

Return to the top of the MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation and Licensing Guide.

MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation Using a Network License

32-bit Windows Installation Using a Network License

For 32-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10 installation using a network license, read this section. For 64-bit Windows 7, Windows Server 2016, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, or Windows Server 2019 installation using a network license, see 64-bit Windows Installation Using a Network License.

To install MapleSim Insight 2024 on your Windows operating system using a network license, read and complete the following tasks.

Pre-Installation Instructions

  1. Check the System Requirements for your operating system.
  1. Log on as an administrator or log on to an account, with appropriate read and write privileges, that will own the MapleSim Insight files.
  1. Ensure that you are connected to the Internet. If your computer does not have an Internet connection, please contact your distributor or Maplesoft customer service.
  1. Close all programs.

Install MapleSim Insight 2024

  1. Ensure that you have reviewed the Pre-installation Instructions.
  1. Double-click MapleSimInsight2024.1WindowsX86Installer.exe from where you downloaded the file.
  1. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  1. If the installer detects that Maple 2024 is installed, a panel is displayed giving you the option to install the Maple toolbox for MapleSim Insight. If you opt to install it, the toolbox is installed in the toolbox/Insight subdirectory of your Maple installation.
  1. In the Choose The Type of Licensing screen, select Network License.
  1. When prompted, enter the name or IP address of the license server.
  1. MapleSim Insight 2024 is now installed. Prior to using MapleSim Insight 2024, you need to Configure the License Manager.

Return to the top of the MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation and Licensing Guide.

64-bit Windows Installation Using a Network License

For Windows installation instructions, read this section.

To install MapleSim Insight 2024 on your Windows operating system using a network license, read and complete the following tasks.

Pre-Installation Instructions

  1. Check the System Requirements for your operating system.
  1. Log on as an administrator or log on to an account, with appropriate read and write privileges, that will own the MapleSim Insight files.
  1. Ensure that you are connected to the Internet. If your computer does not have an Internet connection, please contact your distributor or Maplesoft customer service.
  1. Close all programs.

Install MapleSim Insight 2024

  1. Ensure that you have reviewed the Pre-installation Instructions.
  1. Double-click MapleSimInsight2024.1WindowsX64Installer.exe from where you downloaded the file.
  1. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  1. If the installer detects that Maple 2024 is installed, a panel is displayed giving you the option to install the Maple toolbox for MapleSim Insight. If you opt to install it, the toolbox is installed in the toolbox/Insight subdirectory of your Maple installation.
  1. In the Choose The Type of Licensing screen, select Network License.
  1. When prompted, enter the name or IP address of the license server.
  1. MapleSim Insight 2024 is now installed. Prior to using MapleSim Insight 2024, you need to Configure the License Manager.

Return to the top of the MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation and Licensing Guide.

64-bit Linux Installation Using a Network License

To install MapleSim Insight 2024 on your 64-bit Linux® operating system, read and complete the following tasks.

Pre-Installation Instructions

  1. Check the System Requirements for your operating system.
  1. Log on as an administrator or log on to an account, with appropriate read and write privileges, that will own the MapleSim Insight files.
  1. Ensure that you are connected to the Internet. If your computer does not have an Internet connection, please contact your distributor or Maplesoft customer service.
  1. Close all programs.

Install MapleSim Insight 2024

  1. Ensure that you have reviewed the Pre-installation Instructions.
  1. Run from where you downloaded the file.
  1. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  1. If the installer detects that Maple 2024 is installed, a panel is displayed giving you the option to install the Maple toolbox for MapleSim Insight. If you opt to install it, the toolbox is installed in the toolbox/Insight subdirectory of your Maple installation.
  1. In the Choose The Type of Licensing screen, select Network License.
  1. When prompted, enter the name or IP address of the license server.
  1. MapleSim Insight 2024 is now installed. Prior to using MapleSim Insight 2024, you need to Configure the License Manager.

Note: FlexNet, the license management software used in MapleSim Insight, requires Linux systems to be LSB 3.0 compatible, which may require the additional installation of some additional packages. If you are receiving the "Error detecting HostID" error message when trying to activate MapleSim Insight on Linux, please ensure that the appropriate packages are installed.

  • On Ubuntu, ensure that the lsb-base and lsb-core packages are installed. The lsb-core package is not installed by default.
  • On Red Hat, ensure that the redhat-lsb package is installed.
  • On SUSE, ensure that the lsb package is installed. This package is not installed by default.

Return to the top of the MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation and Licensing Guide.

Silent (Unattended) Installation

It is possible to install the network version of MapleSim Insight using an unattended mode option. There are two ways to perform an unattended installation of MapleSim Insight:

  • Using options specified directly in the command line
  • Using an option file.

Using options specified directly in the command line

You can run an unattended installation without an option file by specifying the installation options directly in the command line. To run the unattended installation this way, do the following:

32-Bit and 64-Bit Windows

  1. Open a command prompt window.
  1. Browse to the directory in which your MapleSim Insight install file is located.
  1. Run the unattended installation process using the following syntax MapleSimInsight2024.1WindowsX86Installer.exe --option optionvalue. For example, use the command MapleSimInsight2024.1WindowsX86Installer.exe --mode unattended to install MapleSim Insight in unattended mode.

Using an Option File

32-Bit and 64-Bit Windows

  1. Check the System Requirements for your operating system.
  1. Close all programs, particularly any previous release of MapleSim Insight.
  1. Log on as administrator or ensure that you have administrator privileges.
  1. Create an option file.

You can create your own options.txt file using the following example as a template:


installdir=C:\Program Files\MapleSim Insight 2024






  1. Open a command prompt window.
  1. Browse to the directory in which your MapleSimInsight2024.1WindowsX64Installer.exe file is located.
  1. Run the silent installation process with the command MapleSimInsight2024.1WindowsX64Installer.exe --optionfile <optionfile>, where <optionfile> is the name of the option file.

Note: If you created your option file in a directory other than the directory in which the MapleSimInsight2024.1WindowsX64Installer.exe file is located, you must specify the path to the option file when you run this command.

Available Installation Options

Option Name


Allowed Values

Default Value


Display the list of valid options




Display product information




Unattended Mode UI

none minimal minimalWithDialogs



Name of option file




Debug information level of verbosity

0 1 2 3 4



Installation mode

win32 unattended








en ja



Installation Directory


C:\Program Files\MapleSim Insight 2024


32-bit or 64-bit version of MapleSim Insight

x86 x64



Make MapleSim Insight 2024 the default application for .MSE files

0 or 1



Install desktop shortcut

0 or 1



Install Maple toolbox for MapleSim Insight

0 or 1



Path to a Maple 2024 installation


directory of Maple installation


Type of Licensing

single network



Single or redundant server setup

single redundant



License server




Port number on license server




License server 1




Port number on license server 1




License server 2




Port number on license server 2




License server 3




Port number on license server 3



Additional Information

  • You are not provided with any feedback when you run the installer in this mode
  • While you can install the single-user version of MapleSim Insight silently, it is not possible to activate the product at this time. After the silent installation of the single user version of MapleSim Insight 2024 is complete, from the Start menu, select All Programs, then MapleSim Insight 2024, then Tools and then Activate MapleSim Insight 2024.

Silently Uninstalling MapleSim Insight

  1. To perform a silent uninstallation of MapleSim Insight, at a command prompt, run the uninstall command, located in the <MapleSim Insight Install Folder>/uninstall directory, as follows:

<MapleSim Insight Install Folder>/uninstall/uninstall -- mode unattended

Return to the top of the MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation and Licensing Guide.

Configure the License Manager

Configure the License Manager for Windows

Before starting the Windows Network version of MapleSim Insight 2024, you must obtain your license file and start the license manager by completing the following tasks.

  1. Choose one of the following:

Install FlexNet Publisher and Activation Utilities

  1. Choose one of the following:
  1. On Windows 32-bit, double-click the NetworkToolsWindowsX86Installer.exe file from the install disc or from where you downloaded the file.
  1. On Windows 64-bit, double-click the NetworkToolsWindowsX64Installer.exe file from the install disc or from where you downloaded the file.
  1. Close all programs, particularly Microsoft® Excel® and any previous release of MapleSim Insight.
  1. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Activate a Network License

Network licenses for MapleSim Insight and other Maplesoft products are registered using the Network Tools program.

MapleSim Insight 2024 requires a MapleSim Insight 2024 license file to operate. License files for earlier versions of MapleSim Insight do not work with MapleSim Insight 2024. To obtain your license file, you must use the Maple Network Tools activation program or activate off-line by following the instructions at Ensure that you can connect to the Internet as activation requires an Internet connection. If your computer does not have an Internet connection, please contact Maplesoft customer service.

  1. You can launch Network Tools from the Start screen or Start menu, depending on your version of Windows.
  • Click Activate MapleSim Insight. Note: You may need to right-click and select Run as administrator.
  • You will be prompted to enter your purchase code, hostname, and hostid of your license server. If you are activating behind a proxy server, make sure to enter this information before clicking Next.
  • You will be prompted to enter additional information including the number of licenses you are activating. Click Next when this is complete.
  • A license file, MapleSimInsight2024.lic, will be saved to the C:\Program Files\Maple Network Tools\activate folder. You will need this license file in the next step.

Start the License Manager for MapleSim Insight 2024 Only

The C:\Program Files\Maple Network Tools\FLEXlm\\windows directory contains license manager daemons (lmgrd and maplelmg) required to run MapleSim Insight, as well as utilities to assist you in installing and configuring FlexNet Publisher for your system.

Start the License Manager Daemons

If you intend to use a Novell® server, see Novell Networks.

To set up and start the license manager daemons on a Windows Network Server:

  1. From the Start menu, select (All) Programs>Maple Network Tools>LMTools11.13.1.2. Note: If you are using Windows 8.1, from Start screen swipe up from the middle of the screen or alternatively, move the mouse to the bottom left of the screen and click the downward arrow that appears. Under the Maple Network Tools heading, click LMTools11.13.1.2.
  1. Under the Service/License File tab, click Configuration using Services.
  1. Click the Config Services tab.
  1. In the Config Services property sheet, enter or browse to the following files:

Service Name

Enter a name for the service (optional)

Path to the lmgrd.exe file

C:\Program Files\Maple Network Tools\FLEXlm\\windows\lmgrd.exe

Path to the license file

C:\Program Files\Maple Network Tools\activate\MapleSimInsight2024.lic

Path to the debug log file: Enter the path to the directory containing the debug log file. You must create this file manually (log.txt is the manually created file in the example below), as it is not automatically generated.

C:\Program Files\Maple Network Tools\FLEXlm\\windows\log.txt

  1. To set up the daemons as a service (recommended), select the Use Services check box.
  1. To start the daemons at boot time (recommended), select the Start Server at Power Up check box.
  1. Click Save Service. When prompted to save the service, click Yes.
  1. Click the Start/Stop/Reread tab. In that property sheet, click Start Server to start the license manager daemons.

You can now use MapleSim Insight 2024.

Start the License Manager for Multiple Maplesoft Products

To run multiple Maplesoft products (including MapleSim Insight), you must place all license files in the same directory. If you have other FlexNet Publisher license files stored in one central location, you can store your Maplesoft product license files there as well.

Complete the following tasks:

Stop the License Manager
  1. Go to the directory of the FlexNet Publisher utilities that are currently being used and double-click lmtools.exe. Alternatively, in the Start menu, select (All) Programs>Maple Network Tools>LMTools11.13.1.2 Note: On Windows 8.1, from Start screen swipe up from the middle of the screen or alternatively, move the mouse to the bottom left of the screen and click the downward arrow that appears. Under the Maple Network Tools heading, click LMTools11.13.1.2.
  1. Under the Service/License File tab, click Configuration using Services.
  1. Click the Config Services tab. From the Server Name list, select the service currently being used.
  1. Click the Start/Stop/Reread tab, then click Stop Server.
Move All Maplesoft Product License Files to a Common Directory

Using Windows Explorer, move all of the license files to a common directory, for example, C:\Program Files\Maple Network Tools\activate.

Start the License Manager Daemons
  1. From the Start menu, select (All) Programs>Maple Network Tools >LMTools11.13.1.2. Note: On Windows 8.1, from Start screen swipe up from the middle of the screen or alternatively, move the mouse to the bottom left of the screen and click the downward arrow that appears. Under the Maple Network Tools heading, click LMTools11.13.1.2.
  1. Under the Service/License File tab, click Configuration using Services.
  1. Click the Config Services tab.
  1. In the Config Services property sheet, enter or browse for the following:

Service Name

Enter a name for the service (optional)

Path to the lmgrd.exe file

C:\Program Files\Maple Network Tools\FLEXlm\\windows\lmgrd.exe

Path to the license file Note: The path to the license file should not contain a terminating backslash

C:\Program Files\Maple Network Tools\activate

Path to the debug log file: Enter the path to the directory containing the debug log file. You must create this file manually (log.txt is the manually created file in the example below), as it is not automatically generated.

C:\Program Files\Maple Network Tools\FLEXlm\\windows\log.txt

  1. To set up the daemons as a service (recommended), select the Use Services check box.
  1. To start the daemons at boot time (recommended), select the Start Server at Power Up check box.
  1. Click Save Service. When prompted to save the service, click Yes.
  1. Click the Start/Stop/Reread tab. In that property sheet, click Start Server to start the license manager daemons.

You can now use your network licensed Maplesoft products.

Novell Networks

FlexNet Publisher does not run on Novell or IPX/SPX. Follow these instructions to install the license manager on any network that is exclusively a Novell environment.

  1. Install TCP/IP on all client machines.
  1. Select a Windows computer that has TCP/IP installed to act as a license server and run the license daemons using the Start License Manager for MapleSim Insight 2024 Only instructions.

Return to the top of the MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation and Licensing Guide.

Configure the License Manager for Linux

Before starting the Linux Network version of MapleSim Insight 2024, you must obtain your license file and start the license manager by completing the following tasks.

  1. Choose one of the following:

Install FlexNet Publisher and the Activation Utilities

  1. Run the file from where you downloaded the file.
  1. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Activate a Network License

Network licenses for MapleSim Insight and other Maplesoft products are registered using the Network Tools program.

MapleSim Insight 2024 requires a MapleSim Insight 2024 license file to operate. License files for earlier versions of MapleSim Insight do not work with MapleSim Insight 2024. To obtain your license file, you must use the Maple Network Tools activation program or activate off-line by following the instructions at Ensure that you can connect to the Internet as activation requires an Internet connection. If your computer does not have an Internet connection, please contact Maplesoft customer service.

  1. Change to the location of the activation utility directory. By default, $HOME/MapleNetworkTools/activate.
  1. Run the activation command. To launch activation in console mode, use the -console option.
  1. You will be prompted to enter your purchase code, hostname, and hostid of your license server. If you are activating behind a proxy server, make sure to enter this information before clicking Next.
  1. You will be prompted to enter additional information including the number of licenses you are activating. Click Next when this is completed.
  1. A license file, MapleSimInsight2024.lic, will be saved to the $HOME/MapleNetworkTools/activate directory. You will need this license file for the next step.

Start the License Manager for MapleSim Insight 2024 Only

Start the License Manager Daemons

Before you can use MapleSim Insight 2024, you must start the license server. It is recommended that you do not run lmgrd as root because any process run by root is a potential security risk.

  1. Navigate to the location of the FlexNet Publisher utilities for your operating system. By default, $HOME/MapleNetworkTools/FLEXlm/
  1. Start the license manager daemons.

Using the C Shell

To start the license manager daemon (lmgrd), enter the following command at the prompt,

./lmgrd -c license_file_path -l debug_log &

where license_file_path is the full path and filename of the network license file (by default, $HOME/MapleNetworkTools/activate/MapleSimInsight2024.lic) and debug_log is the name of a file to which debugging information is written. The -l option (letter l, not the number 1 (one)) creates the file.

Using the Korn or Bourne Shell

To start the license manager daemon (lmgrd), enter the following command at the prompt:

nohup lmgrd -c license_file_path -l debug_log 2>&1 &

Run Daemons on Startup

To have the daemons run on startup, edit the appropriate boot script (such as /etc/rc.boot, /etc/rc.local, or /etc/rc2.d/Sxxxx). For example, if you run lmgrd as a boot startup script, you can run it as a regular user by using the following su command at the prompt:

su username -c \'umask 022; lmgrd_path -c license_file_path -l log_path\'

where username is a non-privileged user; lmgrd_path is the correct path to the lmgrd file, license_file_path is the full path of the network license file (by default, $HOME/MapleNetworkTools/activate/MapleSimInsight2024.lic), and log_path is the debug log file path. It is recommended that the network license file be called MapleSimInsight2024.lic.

Help for Starting the License Server

If you have any problems starting the license server in the UNIX system boot up files, refer to

You can now use MapleSim Insight 2024.

Start the License Manager for Multiple Maplesoft Products

To run multiple Maplesoft products (including MapleSim Insight), you must place all license files in the same directory. If you have other FlexNet Publisher license files stored in one central location, you can store Maplesoft product license files there as well.

Complete the following tasks:

Stop the License Manager

Go to the location of the FlexNet Publisher utilities that are currently being used. For MapleSim Insight 2024, the default location is /usr/local/MapleNetworkTools/FLEXlm/ Enter the command:

Move All Maplesoft Product License Files to a Common Directory

Copy all of the network license files to one folder, for example, $HOME/MapleNetworkTools/activate.

Start the License Manager Daemons
  1. Navigate to the location of the FlexNet Publisher utilities for your operating system. By default, $HOME/MapleNetworkTools/FLEXlm/
  1. When starting license manager daemons, you must enter the path to the directory containing all of your license files. By default, $HOME/MapleNetworkTools/activate.

Note: Point to the directory only, not an actual license file.

  1. To start the license manager, enter the following command:

./lmgrd -c license_file_path -l debug_log

where license_file_path is the full path to the directory containing the license files and debug_log is the name of a file to which debugging information is written. The -l option (letter l, not the number 1 (one)) creates the file.

You can now use your network licensed Maplesoft products.

Return to the top of the MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation and Licensing Guide.

Getting Started with MapleSim Insight

To get started using MapleSim Insight, you can use the Getting Started with MapleSim Insight guide for information on a variety of topics. You can also step through the self-guided tutorial.

Using the Self-Guided Tutorial

To use the self-guided tutorial:

  1. Launch MapleSim Insight.
  1. By default the first time you launch Insight, Show tutorial on start is checked, resulting in the tutorial window (Welcome to Insight) being displayed. Uncheck this box to stop the tutorial window from opening whenever you launch Insight.
  1. To begin the tutorial, click Next.

Using the Getting Started Guide

To access the Getting Started with MapleSim Insight guide:

  • Start MapleSim Insight, and click the Help icon.

If you have Maple and you installed the Maple toolbox for MapleSim Insight, for more information, start Maple, click the Help icon, and search for Insight.

Return to the top of the MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation and Licensing Guide.

System Requirements

32-bit Windows System Requirements



Recommended RAM

Hard Disk

Windows 7

Intel Pentium III 1 GHz

4 GB

4 GB

Windows 8.1

Intel Pentium III 1 GHz

4 GB

4 GB

Windows 10

Intel Pentium III 1 GHz

4 GB

4 GB

  • 16-bit color at 1024 by 768 (or greater) resolution recommended.
  • Internal TCP/IP connections enabled.
  • System performance may be affected if running below the recommended memory requirement.

64-bit Windows System Requirements



Recommended RAM

Hard Disk

Windows 10

AMD X86_64 1 GHz Intel Xeon, Intel 64

4 GB

4 GB

Windows 11

AMD X86_64 1 GHz Intel Xeon, Intel 64

4 GB

4 GB

Windows Server 2019

AMD X86_64 1 GHz Intel Xeon, Intel 64

4 GB

4 GB

Windows Server 2022

AMD X86_64 1 GHz Intel Xeon, Intel 64

4 GB

4 GB

  • DVD-ROM drive (for DVD installation).
  • 16-bit color at 1024 by 768 (or greater) resolution recommended.
  • Internal TCP/IP connections enabled.
  • System performance may be affected if running below the recommended memory requirement.

64-bit Linux System Requirements


Operating System Version


Recommended RAM

Hard Disk

Additional required packages

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

8, 9

Intel 64 or AMD X86_64

4 GB

4 GB


SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop


Intel 64 or AMD X86_64

4 GB

4 GB



22.04 LTS, 22.10

Intel 64 or AMD X86_64

4 GB

4 GB

lsb-base, lsb-core

  • DVD-ROM drive (for DVD installation).
  • 16-bit color at 1024 by 768 (or greater) resolution recommended.
  • X11 R6.
  • Internal TCP/IP connections enabled.
  • System performance may be affected if running below the recommended memory requirement.

Return to the top of the MapleSim Insight 2024 Installation and Licensing Guide.


Note: Maple uses the Flexera Software Corporation FlexNet Publisher as its license manager. This document contains all the information you require for a standard Maple installation. For more information, refer to the FlexNet Publisher documentation at

MapleSim, MapleSim Insight, Maple, Maplesoft, and Waterloo Maple are trademarks of Waterloo Maple Inc.

Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.

Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, and Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

FLEXlm and FlexNet are registered trademarks of Flexera Software Corporation.

All other brand names or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.