World Class Symbolics, Rock Solid Numerics
Optimization Package
Researchers can solve constrained optimization problems in engineering and business. Comes with a task assistant.
Differential-Algebraic Equation Solver
DAEs arise in the modeling of many complex physical systems
Improved ODE and PDE Solvers, Including Piecewise ODEs and Traveling Wave Solutions |
Users can solve even more complicated systems.
Logic Package
Smarter Solving of Inequalities |
More tools for research mathematics
Knowledge Capture and Deployment
Math Dictionary
Users can enrich their technical reports with hyperlinked definitions of technical terms.
Task Assistants Menu
Users can more quickly accomplish common tasks like analyzing ODEs, solving optimization problems, building matrices and more, using the Tools menu.
Enhanced Plot Builder
Without knowing any plot commands or syntax, users can create animations and interactive plots with slider bars and animations.
Real-Time Scaling and Panning of Graphics
Users can extract more information out of a plot without creating new plots or redrawing it with different parameters.
Dockable Palettes
Users can enter expressions syntax-free without having the palettes clutter and obscure their workspace.
New Student Package for Multivariate Calculus, Including Interactive Tutors
Teachers of multivariate calculus can more easily and effectively teach their subject.
Enhanced Student Package for Precalculus
Teachers of precalculus can more easily and effectively teach their subject
Tutors Menu
Interactive tutors from all the student packages are easily accessible from the Tools menu.