New Features in Maple 17: Control Design

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Control design tools in Maple have been enhanced to become even more flexible.  Improvements to the DynamicSystems package include:

  • The FrequencyResponse routine handles differential equations with input derivatives.
  • All models now accept linear, non-differential systems.
  • A new frequencies option for all frequency-based plots enables you to  specify the precise frequencies at which expressions are evaluated.
  • The Grammians command has been extended to work with discrete systems.
  • Nichols plots are now accessible from the context-sensitive menu.


> with(DynamicSystems); -1

Assign a differential system with derivatives in the input.

> deq := `+`(`*`(3, `*`(diff(y(t), t, t))), `-`(`*`(2, `*`(y(t))))) = `+`(u(t), diff(u(t), t)); -1

> sys := DiffEquation(deq, u, y); -1

Plot the magnitude of the response vs frequency, adding circles at selected frequencies. This is done by generating and combining two plots.

> plots[display](MagnitudePlot(sys), MagnitudePlot(sys, frequencies = [.1, 1, 10], style = point, symbolsize = 20, symbol = circle))
plots[display](MagnitudePlot(sys), MagnitudePlot(sys, frequencies = [.1, 1, 10], style = point, symbolsize = 20, symbol = circle))



A Nichols plot is useful for quickly estimating the closed-loop response of system with unity-feedback, given its open-loop transfer function. For example, let the open-loop transfer function be:

> G := `/`(1, `*`(s, `*`(`+`(s, 1), `*`(`+`(`*`(`/`(1, 2), `*`(s)), 1))))); -1

By default a Nichols plot includes constant-phase and constant-magnitude contour plots of a closed-loop system.  From the graph below, the peak closed-loop response is about 5 dB, at 0.8 rad/s, because that is the highest constant-magnitude contour that it touches (estimating).

> NicholsPlot(TransferFunction(G), gainrange = -20 .. 20, frequencies = [.8])


Here we plot the actual closed-loop response and confirm that the maximum gain is approximately 5 dB, at 0.8 rad/s.

> CL := TransferFunction(`/`(`*`(G), `*`(`+`(1, G)))); -1

> MagnitudePlot(CL, range = .1 .. 10)
