This is a model of a CNC XY Gantry Table that includes 2 servodrives that control the X-Y position of the spindle-head. Each servodrive is modeled using a simple DC motor and a PID controller. The rotary motions of the DC motors are converted into the linear motions in X and Y axes using ideal ball-screw drives, modeled using MapleSim's "Ideal Rotation to Translation Gear" component. The elasticity of the X-axis rail is modeled using a flexible beam whose elastic vibration and bending can be observed from the spindle displacement as the spindle moves to the cutting position. Each component has a 3D CAD object attached to create a visualization of the full system. The elasticity of the X-axis rail is modeled using a flexible beam whose elastic vibration and bending can be observed from the spindle displacement plots as the spindle moves to the cutting position. Each component has a 3-D CAD object attached to create a visualization of the full system.